Friday, October 29, 2010


You would know how excited I am for Halloween weekend if you could see me walking the halls of Burton High School in my red and black striped tights, a jeweled spider on my head, and I sparkle in the sunlight!

Brazos is going to be ADORABLE for his first Halloween! I didn't want him to be dressed in some costume from Wal-Mart that every other infant is wearing, so I decided to make his costume myself. While my mom and I ventured to San Antonio with Brazos, we collected two hats for the little guy. He has a black cowboy hat and a coon-skin cap. At first I thought I would dress him as a rodeo clown with the cowboy hat. We had all the clothing for this - blue jeans, longsleeve shirt, material to make suspenders, socks, and shoes. But after his daddy saw him in the coon-skin cap, he insisted that Brazos be David Crockett. So I went to the store to buy some faux-leather material to make a costume. I didn't have confidence in my sewing abilities to make pants the correct way with four pieces of fabric, so I just traced Brazos' pants, cut two identical pieces and sewed them together. I must say that Brazos will be the hippest little guy around in his tight leather pants! For the jacket I had more confidence, but boy-oh-boy are sleeves hard to sew on! Fringe was added to the top and bottom of the jacket to give it the finishing touch. When he tried it on, the sleeves were too long but that could be easily fixed. With the coon-skin cap the outfit is complete! (Well, we did have to buy some brown shoes, but Brazos needed new shoes anyways, because he outgrew his first pair.)

Washington County has so many great events for the kids this holiday! Christ Lutheran Church has the Great Pumpkin Patch. The Brenham Heritage Museum hosted the Boo!Seum on Wednesday night. Burton Elementary is having thier annual Halloween Carnival. The local churches are working together to put on the Fall Festival at the fairgrounds. Harmonie Hall in Shelby is having a Costume dance. Of course we didn't make it to all the events, but they are definitely on the calendar for as Brazos grows to enjoy these activities.

Let the festivities begin!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Past Month

I knew I wouldn't be able to keep up with posting. It's been a whole month since the last time I even looked at my blog. Here's what's been happeining in our little piece of the world...

  • Brazos won a luggage set, candleholders, and a 32" flat screen tv at our churches fundraiser! Of course, mommy and daddy claimed the tv right away, but Brazos loves his tv remote.
  • Brazos is now moving all over the house by army crawling. Let the baby proofing begin!
  • Brazos gave me his first kiss! He doesn't pucker his lips. It's more like a big open mouth and occasionally you get licked, but it's still a sweet kiss from my little boy.
  • Brazos got his first kiss from Annalise at MOPS. I captured a picture, but all you can really see is her head infront of his head. She kissed him three times!
  • Brazos has two teeth! He's been enjoying the new foods he can eat with his teeth, such as Baby Mum Mums and Graham Crackers.
  • We helped Brazos' future classmate, Chloe Vavra, celebrate her 1st birthday! It was priceless to see the two of them smiling at each other. I made her an adorable black and pink tutu to go with a pair of black and pink fairy wings.
  • Our cattle guard that Matt has been working so hard on is being installed today. I know he'll be super excited to drive home and see it in the driveway.
  • My birthday was on 10-10-10. On Facebook I had over 80 birthday wishes! Also, Matt purchased the rock for my flower beds and it looks fantabulous (my new favorite word). Hip hip horray...what a day!

That's all I can think of right now. Off to another day at Burton Elementary. Brazos will be spending the day with Grandma Cindy at the Bellville Fair to watch his cousin, Bailee, show her animals.